Sharks In Trouble

Thanks to all those who have produced the photos or art work on this page.  If your work is displayed without a link to your site, please send me the link and your photo can become a link.

There is a big problem facing sharks worldwide.
There are about 400 species of sharks.  FAO figures estimate that sharks are vanishing at about 800,000 tons per year.  How long could any creature sustain this onslaught?  Many sharks just have their fins removed for Shark Fin Soup; the creature is often just thrown back into the sea alive.  We must stop this ignorant madness.  Would slow education be the answer or an international media blitz to fix it?  If this were happening to your family, you�d probably opt for a media blitz.  Intelligent people who know and care don�t eat shark fin soup.

Sharks on this page: - The Giant Harmless Sharks
These sharks are in big trouble because of the Shark Finning Industry

Whale Shark
(Rhincodon typus)
The largest fish, a giant harmless creature

Whale Sharks and Basking Sharks are in big trouble because of the shark fin soup industry for the Chinese restaurants.  Some selfish idiots that run these establishments have been buying the huge fins of these giant sharks to advertise their soup houses.  So of course then, the fins from these hapless endangered creatures fetch the highest prices.  If this outrage continues �business as usual� then within a few years the world can wave good-by to these beautiful sharks; and there are many other species of sharks that are following in their wake.  Does anybody care?

Whale Shark Bibliography
The Whale Shark - Ecocean
Whale Shark � Florida Museum of Natural History
Whale Shark �
Whale Shark Photographs

World distribution map for the whale shark.

Basking Shark
(Cetorhinus maximus)
The second largest fish, a giant harmless creature.

Basking Shark
Basking Shark Society
Basking Shark Web
Basking Shark Population Research
Basking Shark Project
UK Basking Shark Proposal
Basking Shark Identification Project

World distribution map for the basking shark.

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Australia�s Shark in Trouble

Grey Nurse
(Carcharias taurus)
Our (Australian) Grey Nurse Shark in huge trouble.


Help Site for Grey Nurse
Grey nurse shark - Carcharias taurus
Grey nurse sharks by Dive-Oz
Grey Nurse Shark (Carcharias taurus) or Sand Tiger.
Recovery Plan for the Grey Nurse Shark (Carcharias taurus) in Australia
Grey Nurse Shark Tagging - CSIRO Site
Saving the Grey Nurse
Grey Nurse Shark
"Hand feeding Grey nurse sharks."
Grey nurse shark � (Carcharias taurus)

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General Shark Sites
Cartilaginous Fish
The Shark Research Institute
Reef Quest � Centre for Shark Research
Introduction to Sharks
Shark Glossary
Biology of Sharks and Rays
CSIRO - Freshwater and estuarine shark and ray fauna of Australia
CSIRO � Study hooked on saving sharks, rays and sawfish.
Australian Marine Conservation Society
Skates and Rays

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Extinct Shark Sites
Pre-Historic Sharks- Inhabitants Of Ancient Seas
Prehistoric Georgia � Shark�s teeth

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Strange and Pretty Sharks
Usually not regarded as dangerous.

Cookie Cutter Shark
(Isistius braziliensis)
A shark with a strange life.
Cookie Cutter Shark � Australian Museum
Cookie Cutter Shark Attack
Cookie Cutter Shark � Science News

Goblin Shark
(Mitsukurina owstoni)
A strange looking shark by any standard; and this is not a common shark.
Goblin Shark � Australian Museum
Biology of the Goblin Shark
Goblin Shark � Reef Quest

Leopard Shark
(Triakis semifasciata)
The Leopard Shark is found off the West Coast of North America.
Leopard Shark � Shark School
Leopard Shark � Florida Museum of Natural History
Leopard Shark �

Zebra Shark
(Stegostoma fasciatum)
The Zebra Shark is from the Western Pacific through to North Eastern and Southern Africa.
The Zebra Shark is sometimes called the Leopard Shark.
Zebra Shark - Sharkive
Leopard Shark/Zebra Shark � Australian Museum
Zebra Shark �

Blue Shark
(Prionace glauca)
This is one of the prettiest of the sharks.
Dementia�s Blue Shark
Blue Shark
Blue Shark (Prionace glauca) - Australian Museum
Capt. Tom's Guide to New England Sharks
Blue Shark some beautiful pics
Blue Shark � Florida Museum of Natural History

Here are some of the seven or so species of the sawfish.
(Pristis zijsron, P pectinata, P perotteti)
Most sawfish are heading towards critically endangered.
Do not confuse these creatures with the Swordfish which have nothing to do with sharks.  Swordfish have normal bones like a fish whereas the bones of a shark are cartilaginous (cartilage like).
Sawfish � Sharks with Swords
Sawfish Conservation Research
NOAA Fisheries - Smalltooth Sawfish
The Ocean Conservancy - Smalltooth Sawfish
Sawfish - CSIRO
Sawfish � CSIRO saving sharks, rays and sawfish
Florida Museum of Natural History

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Potentially and Sometimes Dangerous Sharks
Some of these sharks never come near land so you would have to be bobbing round in the ocean to get into trouble with them.

Great White Shark or White Pointer
(Carcharodon carcharias)
Great White � Predator of the Deep
The White Shark � Introduction
Cousteau Sub Mimics Great White
Great White � Excellent Great White prints from Apex Predators
Great White Sharks
Review of the Great White Shark
White Pointer Shark
White Pointer Shark � Ruler of the West Coast
Great White Sharks �

Oceanic Whitetip Shark
(Carcharinus longimanus)
The Oceanic whitetip sharks could be much more dangerous to swim amongst than the Great whites however, because of the range of the Oceanic whitetip a person is much less likely to encounter one of these sharks because they truly are an oceanic species.
Oceanic Whitetip Shark
White Tip Shark - The Shark Trust
Oceanic Whitetip Shark
Oceanic Whitetip � Marine Biodiversity

Bull Shark
(Carcharinus leucas)
This shark does sometimes travel for miles up rivers and is quite at home in fresh-water; and this is a dangerous shark.  There is a land locked number of Bull Sharks that live and breed in a lake in Nicaragua and they have never seen the sea.
Bull Shark � Australian Museum
Bull Shark
Bull Shark � Boat Talk
Bull Shark � Florida Museum of Natural History
Bull Shark �

World distribution map for the bull shark.

Tiger Shark
(Galeocervo cuvier)
Tiger Shark Research
Tiger Sharks � Boat Talk
Tiger Shark � (Galeocervo cuvier)
Tiger Sharks �

Bronze Whaler
(Carcharinus brachyurus)
Bronze Whaler (Carcharinus brachyurus)
The Bronze Whaler Shark
Bronze Whaler Shark
Bronze Whaler � Marine Biology

(Isurus oxyrinchus or glaucus)
Shortfin Mako Shark
Shortfin Mako Shark � Pelagic Shark Research Foundation

Lemon Shark
(Negaprion brevirostris)
Lemon Shark � Florida Museum of Natural History
Lemon Shark � Boat Talk
Lemon Shark
Lemon Shark Photos

World distribution map for the lemon shark.

There are more than a few species of hammerhead sharks.
Genus (Sphyrina)
Hammerhead Shark
Hammerhead Sharks - Misunderstood Monsters
Scalloped Hammerhead Shark
Hammerhead Shark � Boat Talk
Hammerhead Shark �
Hammerhead Shark � Info Please

Thresher Shark
(Alopias vulpinus)
The shark with the amazing tail.
Common Thresher Shark
Thresher Shark � (Alopias vulpinus)
Thresher Shark
A glimpse of a Thresher Shark

Porbeagle Shark
(Lamna nasus)
Porbeagle Shark
Porbeagle � Florida Museum of Natural History
Porbeagle Shark � Marine Biology

World distribution map for the porbeagle.

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Politicians Addresses.
Please help by contacting or visiting your local politician, tell him/her what you think.
Politicians love to receive visits and short letters from you.
Politician�s Addresses and phone numbers.   (For: - Federal and State Governments)

Ten letters to a politician of no more than 30 to 50 words can be much more valuable than collecting 1000�s of signatures.  Your letters count because they are counted, and ten letters are seen as over a 1000 votes.

Politicians are actually busy people so never write long letters and only ever write about one issue per letter.  Letters should be polite, short, sweet and to the point.

Ask for a reply and when you get an answer that is nonsense send it straight back and ask them to address the issue and not send you another standard letter that had nothing to do with what you were writing about.
Remind them that you and your friends want to know who is worth voting for.